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Welcome to Holywood Steiner School


Our school was founded in 1975 and is situated on a beautiful campus on the outskirts of Holywood. Since opening our doors we have been a co-educational, independent and one of the first ‘integrated’ schools in Northern Ireland, welcoming students from ages 3-17. We are part of the world’s largest independent school network, with over 1400 schools spanning 75 countries. There are currently 29 Steiner schools in the UK and 6 Steiner schools in Ireland. We are the only one in Northern Ireland.


Parents and students can expect to become part of a school community which feels like an extended family set in a beautiful and tranquil environment. The school facilities function as a community hub hosting community groups, markets, fairs and festivals throughout the year.

We offer the Waldorf curriculum within which childhood development begins with preschool and kindergarten, where time in nature and imaginative play are key. Formal instruction in reading and writing begins at 6 years of age, in line with most countries around the world. The curriculum encourages moral responsibility and empathy in every child resulting in a remarkable emotional maturity in our students. A sense of wonder for the world is central to an education that delivers excellence through a love and general connection to learning.

Unlike mainstream education the Waldorf model provides the time and space for each child to learn and grow at their own pace, allowing them to fully grasp a concept or achieve a skill when they are ready. Our independent school provides a rich, diverse and integrated education, where cooperation takes priority over competition. Thank you for taking the time to explore our website.

Peter Chambers - Headteacher


Why choose our school?

Who is this school “right for”? The answer is; every child. For the child who is “advanced” and moves rapidly through academics, it provides a balance into the opposing realms of their brain – dexterity, spatial dynamics and social-emotional strengths. For the child who struggles with academics, the curriculum allows the space for growth at the student’s own pace without the pressure of being labelled, while inspiring the student to reach their full potential. The Waldorf curriculum, more than anything, provides a balance that helps to nurture a well-rounded student into a happy and successful adult.

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