Holywood Steiner School is looking to recruit a Learning Support Assistant for 15hrs/week from 8.15am-11.45am, Monday-Friday. Please email info@holywood-steiner.co.uk or call on 02890 428029 if interested in joining our team.
Holywood Steiner School is looking to recruit a Learning Support Assistant for 15hrs/week from 8.15am-11.45am, Monday-Friday. Please email info@holywood-steiner.co.uk or call on 02890 428029 if interested in joining our team.
Congratulations to our Girls Volleyball team who played brilliantly at the Girls U18 NI Volleyball Cup held at the Institute of Sport, Jordanstown on 5th December.
Our Boys Volleyball team took part in the Boys U18 NI Volleyball Cup held at the Institute of Sport, Jordanstown on 5th December. We narrowly lost out to Campbell College in the final.
Our Boys Volleyball team played a friendly match versus Campbell College on 13th December.
Congratulation, Noah, on achieving Distinction in your first Rockschool drum exam.
Hosted by the Holywood Steiner PFA; the pub quiz is both a fundraiser for our school, and an opportunity for you to meet and mingle.
Janek, Class 10, joins the brand new Volume Control 2023 Events Team. After a competitive application process, Janek is part of a team of 15 talented young people who will be mentored over the next year in a range of skills related to the live music scene.
Open Day 2023
We are pleased to host an Open Day for Lower and Upper Schools on Thursday, Feb. 9th. Prospective pupils and their families are invited to join us from 9.30-11.30am to learn more about the school, our approach to education and the Waldorf curriculum. For more details, see here
We are in an exciting period of development at our school and are now looking for experienced individuals to join the Board of Trustees to help us deliver on our ambitions. If you are interested in enhancing your own skills and/or supporting an innovative and truly effective educational approach, then this could be the opportunity for you. For more details, please follow the link.
Early Years Open Day
Saturday, January 14th from 10am-12pm
Everyone is welcome to come and meet the teachers, see the classrooms and speak with others parents who have children in the school, from aged 3 through to 17. Full details can be seen here.
The PFA, in conjunction with Wellbeing in Mind, is bringing A Christmas Carol to our school. For one night only, you can enjoy a performance by Eileen and David, with live harp and flute playing, of the famous Dickens story. Tickets can be bought in advance on this link.
Put the date in your calendar now! The Advent Fair is back in all its former, pre-Covid glory. From 12 noon to 6pm on Sunday, December 4th there will be all the traditional activities, with craft stalls, walnut boats, candle dipping, Christmas carols, wreath making and much, much, more!
The Board of Trustees is seeking applications for the role of Finance Admin Officer (part-time), initially for a 6-month period. We are seeking a candidate who is proactive with a strong financial focus, who takes pride and ownership of their work and who has excellent IT skills and attention to detail. For full details, please click here The closing date for applications is November 29th.
Are you looking for a Halloween event with a difference? Why not come along to our Oiche Shamha celebration on Monday, Oct 31st. Your party will be met by a soothsayer who will tell you tales of the Children of Danu. There will be apples baking on the fire and a walk through the Forbidden Woods. Come dressed up to make the Gentle Ones feel at home. Click here for booking.
Interested in Waldorf education? Why not come along to this talk on Monday evening which is aimed at parents/carers and friends and is free of charge.
Looking to meet new people and to develop a knowledge of Waldorf crafts? Why not come along to our craft group which runs fortnightly at the school on a Wednesday morning. There is no charge and is open to all parents/carers at the school.
We were delighted to welcome the whole school back on a bright day on Sept 1st. Led in song by Ruth de Villeneuve, the new Class 1 pupils were delighted to receive flower posies from the Upper School students and were led back to class by the older students.