Advent Raffle

The PFA launch their best raffle ever! Thanks to all the businesses who answered our call for donations.

You can buy your tickets for £2 each from the school office or through Paypal; remember to include your name and telephone number in the additional information so we can match the donor with the ticket!

Thank you from the PFA

More than 100 adults and children came together for a celebration of Diwali and Michaelmas on Friday, November 12th at the school. Wonderful food was cooked by our in-house curry specialists which was all made from scratch and delicious. The money raised will be donated to the school in due course and preparation will now ramp up for our next event - the Advent Fair on December 12th.

Cross Country Club

Cross Country Club at Holywood Steiner School - come along, get fit(ter) with your school friends and enjoy a new sport along the way. Four consecutive Thursdays from Nov 18th - starting at school with pick up at Ballymenoch Park . More information and registration on

Danny Irving, 1977 - 2021

It is with sorrow that we announce the passing of former pupil, Danny Irving. Danny, along with several members of his family, contributed greatly to the life of the school in the 1980s and 1990s. He remained a supporter of the school and enjoyed the connections he made as a pupil. For details of his memorial service, see here.

Grounds Day Success

Hands up if you enjoyed Grounds Day!

Sincere thanks to all 39 volunteers who helped on Saturday to tidy up our campus for the forthcoming winter. You were busy weeding, mulching and clipping back and the results are there for all to see. Bravo!

Grounds Day - Sept 18th

We would like to welcome all our current families and supporters to join us in our first Grounds’ Day of 2021/22. Undertake some light gardening and maintenance with guidance from a team leader to help maintain our beautiful campus. Refreshments supplied!

Welcome back to all our pupils

The whole school assembled on our first morning back after summer holidays. The sun shone as Peter welcomed everyone, in particular our 10 new pupils. In time honoured tradition, the Class 9 pupils presented posies to the little Class 1s and led them into class at the end of proceedings.

In memory of Christel Haupt

Christel, pictured here on her wedding day in October 2016, was a valued member of the teaching staff at Holywood Steiner for many years. In her memory, Ciaran will be leading a commemorative walk on Saturday, July 10th from Holywood. Please read further for details.

St John's Day

Despite the gloomy weather, the school celebrated St John’s Day and Midsummer on Thursday, June 24th. With beautiful songs around the bonfire, old school games led by the older children on the basketball court and an end of year picnic organised by the PFA, it was a wonderful way to round up the year.